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    Deep Water Test

Safety at the pool is our #1 rule!

In order to enjoy our sliding board, diving board and the lazy river pool, a Deep Water Test must be passed for all children ages 10 & under:

Children must be able to swim one (1) length of main pool without stopping. They then must be able to tread water for 30 seconds, get themselves into a float for 30 seconds, tread again for 30 seconds and float again for 30 seconds.

Once this test is passed, a wrist band will be issued and must be worn by the child at all times. We will also record the names of all children who pass the test. Lost or forgotten bands can be replaced one time for the cost of $5. The second time the bracelet is forgotten or lost you must take the deep water test again.

SCC Staff may request testing of swimmers regardless of age when deemed necessary. Swimmers who fail the test are eligible to retake the test.


