2024 Pool Season
The Pool opens full time June 11th - this day only the pool will open at Noon.
Download the Application from this website
Pool season begins May 25th, 2024 - Pool Hours 10:30am - 8:00pm (weather permitting). Pool closes Labor Day Monday September 2nd, 2024 at 5:00pm.
Pool Hours will be revised to accomodate the SSD calendar.
Membership is open to Residents of Springfield Township (proof of residency is required - Photo ID with Springfield Township address and Springfield Township Tax Bill). Who can be on your membership? Persons living full time in your Springfield Township household (proof of residency is required).
I joined the pool! Now what do I do? Returning members dust off your membership cards from last year, they are reactivated once you join again. New to the pool this summer? Come by the pool and get your membership cards and pictures taken (during pool hours). Proof of residency is required at this time.
- Guests are permitted with limits. Member must be at least 13 years of age to sign in a guest. Guest fees are $20 daily; $10 after 5pm daily.
- All Members and Guests must be signed/paid/checked in at the front office. Guests must be accompanied by a member for the duration of their visit.
- Children age 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- Membership applications can be downloaded from www.springfieldccpool.com or www.springfielddelco.org; or picked up in person in the lobby at the township building.
- Applications must be processed prior to using the pool.
- Cards and pictures must be issued prior to using the pool. Please check out the calendar on this website for Office Hours in May.
- New to the pool this summer? Come to the pool and get your pictures taken and your Membership cards. The office is open when the pool is open. Please visit our FAQ's sections to see what to do next!
- The pool will open daily at 10:30 AM and close at 8:00 PM (weather permitting). Lap swimming is available in the Main Pool from 10am-10:30am daily for adult members. Please be kind..share the pool.
- Pool opens daily beginning June 11th, 2024 - pool will open at Noon on this day only. This is the last day of school for students according to the SSD Calendar.
- The snack bar will be open 11am - 7pm (weather permitting). Credit cards and cash are accepted. Hot food will be on the menu between the hours of Noon and 5:00pm only.
- Showers are available in the restrooms for rinsing off.
- We do ask that anyone not feeling well (has a cough, fever, diarrhea, etc.) would please stay home and come back when you are feeling better.
- As always members are responsible for the children at all times.
- We are looking forward to another GREAT summer at the pool.
Swimming Lessons are being offered this season! Please leave your information in the front office if you are interested in lessons for your child. A waiting list will be created. Lessons begin when the pool opens full time.
What to know about lessons offered at the pool:
* Swimming lessons are geared toward swimmers who have not yet passed our Deep Water Test. The purpose of lessons is to develop safety skills and learn rules of the pool.
* If your child has passed our Deep Water Test we recommend you join our Swim Team to further their swimming skills
* Lessons are taught in the hours before the pool opens and are scheduled are the discretion of the lifeguard and you. They are 30 minutes in length. Vouchers must be purchased in the front office prior to your scheduled lesson.
* Lessons are for Members of the pool.